Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Flu for my Valentine

You know, unlike many people in my profession, I actually like my job. I enjoy it. I get to work on interesting problems which are also very accessible, and in doing so I help all the people that are going to make use of the released software. 

Vitosha mountains in the distance.

So, today, a beautiful day with temperatures going as high as -3° C, my body decided that the best course of action is to fall sick.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Regarding a certain subset of Japanese arts...

I watch their anime, I read their manga and their novels, I play their games.

I do. And I like them. They are fun.

Friday, January 27, 2012

So this is the new Blogger, huh. My Google+ badge looks so shiny on this thing.

I remember when we used to call this place blogspot and it was all dark and blue-y by default. Man, it seems so long ago, but it really isn't that much, is it?
Like what, has it been 6 months since they started migrating to this new design?
But really. I do like the interface.

... I wonder what I'm gonna talk about now.